You can cancel your order till it is being processed. Once the order is shipped, you cannot cancel the order. Please call us on 9929920272 or write to us at to request a cancellation. You will not be able to cancel the order by yourself on the website. The customer agrees not to dispute the decision made by all hand made and accept The all handmade decision regarding the cancellation .
The credit note will be emailed to you, which you can use on the all handmade website. Please make sure that you use the credit in one go.
For all international orders from outside India, the minimum order value should be $50. There is a free delivery on international orders if the purchase is more than $100. Please note that custom duties and taxes will be charged at the time of delivery based on actual duties charged by your country of delivery address.
You can cancel your order within 24 hours of order. Please note that international orders are not eligible for returns or exchanges. To cancel your order please email us on
From the time of shipping – it will take about 10-15 business days for your international order to reach you.
You can use all international credit cards to make the payment for your international shipping orders.